You Said: We Did

We really value comments from our patients whether it’s through the Patient Participation GroupNHSChoicesFriends and FamilyOnline or Feedback Forms that are available at Reception.

 You Said:

It would be helpful to have a handy guide to explain the system for booking of appointments, both for urgent same day access (the triage clinic) and for booking non-urgent routine appointments.

We Did…

Our PPG helped develop a patient friendly information guide to help patients understand our appointment system. This is displayed on our practice website (‘New Patients’ page) and is available to for collection in the waiting areas.

 You Said:

It would be helpful if practice staff could receive training regarding the difficulties of living with a visual impairment, so they are more aware of the needs of this group of patients when they visit surgery.

We Did…

Our practice staff (including Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and receptionists) received Visual Impairment Awareness Training during our half-day training day in July 2017

You Said:

Provision needs to be made to ensure prescriptions and letters awaiting collection are more secure and confidential

We Did…

We have provided secure lockable filing cabinets to ensure the safety of patients prescriptions 

You Said:
Logging in to the website is proving difficult to some patients.

We Did…
An IT person can demonstrate the process to patients who need help within the Practice.

You Said:
More information is needed on the website, including a PPG area.

We Did…
Add, amongst other things, the names of PPG members, meeting dates, meeting minutes and action plans.

You Said:
Signage needs to be improved.

We Did…
Signage is now in place for disabled parking, cycle parking, check-in screens, the ramp and, at a resident’s request, an exit sign.

You Said:
Please automate the disabled lift door.

We Did…
Work has been completed for push-button automatic opening… with clear signage.

You Said:
Problems with ‘wobbly’ self-arrival screens.

We Did…
Construct and install a ‘Castle-shaped’ multi-screen holder that also houses hand gel dispensers. Seating area information is now added to each screen message and the lettering is larger and more legible.

You Said:
A PPG noticeboard would be useful.

We Did…
The upstairs waiting room now has a designated PPG (and Carer) information display area.

You Said:
Where is the complaints procedure?

We Did…
It is available on the website and details can be obtained from Reception.

You Said:
Please promote local physical activity groups.

We Did…
Publicise our Walking Group and provide information about other local walking activities